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a container for the psyche in an uncertain world

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A Changing of the Gods, a workshop with Richard Tarnas

  • Saturday, October 01, 2022
  • 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
  • Zoom, Eastern Time


  • Members who are either seniors over 65 or full time students

    This program will NOT be recorded 

    We live in a dramatic period in the history of the world, with high stakes for the planetary future. To help us navigate this passage, we need every available source of relevant insight. Perhaps more than any other form of analysis, archetypal astrology can shed clarifying light on how events and trends throughout the world at a given time are meaningfully connected—political events, social trends, music and films, scientific discoveries, the public mood, and collective psychological tendencies. When we examine the synchronistic waves of events in terms of their underlying archetypes, historical patterns that unfold cyclically through the centuries come into focus. Our eyes are opened to see more deeply into the meaning of what's happening now. 

    Jung himself investigated astrological correlations throughout his career and used astrology regularly in his clinical practice against the grain of his increasingly reductionist profession. Many of us who have pursued this research in a systematic way have concluded that there are few frames of reference more revealing of both individual and collective psychological conditions than an archetypally informed knowledge of current planetary positions. Like paying attention to weather reports before setting out to sail on a windy day, learning about the planetary transits can help us live both more intelligently and more consciously as individuals. It can also provide a powerful lens for us to discern the deeper evolutionary currents moving through history. 

    We will begin today's workshop with a special screening of the first episode of the recently released 10-part documentary series Changing of the Gods, which explores the major planetary alignments and archetypal forces at work in our time.

Richard Tarnas is a professor of psychology and cultural history at the California Institute of Integral Studies in San Francisco, where he founded the graduate program in Philosophy, Cosmology, and Consciousness. He teaches courses in the history of ideas, archetypal studies, depth psychology, and religious evolution. He frequently lectures on archetypal studies and depth psychology at Pacifica Graduate Institute in Santa Barbara, and was formerly the director of programs and education at Esalen Institute in Big Sur, California. He is the author of The Passion of the Western Mind, a history of the Western world view from the ancient Greek to the postmodern widely used in universities. His second book, Cosmos and Psyche: Intimations of a New World View, received the Book of the Year Prize from the Scientific and Medical Network, and is the basis for the upcoming documentary series The Changing of the Gods. He is a past president of the International Transpersonal Association and served on the Board of Governors for the C. G. Jung Institute of San Francisco.

Zoom links will be shared about 24 hours before the program start time. Registration closes before Zoom links are shared. If you do not receive your link 24 hours in advance, please reach out asap directly to

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Washington, DC 20016


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The Jung Society of Washington is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization, a nonprofit educational institution. Our IRS form 990 is available upon request. Although many of the Jung Society's programs involve analytical psychology and allied subjects, these offerings are intended, and should be viewed, as a source of information and education, and not as therapy. The Jung Society does not offer psychoanalytical or other mental health services.
Images of mandalas throughout this site were created by Carl Jung's patients between the years 1926 and 1945.
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